just say yes

When you've been give a choice to walk this life all alone or you take a big deep breathe, hold tightly to Jesus and just say yes to all that He has for you.

Welp. I said yes.

I live next to a very large bushel, this bushel would come in handy in the game hide and seek as I have used it too much to hide.. It so happens that the bushel to me has always been somewhat of my protection. When I get scared I would go and sit near it, I would let it grow and grow so that it could just protect me even more. I would sometimes carry a little piece of bushel with me just to make sure that if i needed to hide, that I could. One day I remember the Lord clearly telling me that I don't need to hide under the bushel any longer, it is time to let my light shine.  I was reminded that God is my greatest comfort, my best friend and my biggest fan. He delights in us. He desires to have you shine so brightly that your reflection is as bright as His sons.

 Sometimes our greatest downfall is trusting more in what we don't know than what we do know. I know that God is good. I know that His ways are higher, greater, better and more wonderful than I could ever think possible. I know that when I fail, He is the first to set me back on my feet and the greatest encouragement to fight the good fight to win the race of life. When I am weak, God is my strength, when I am fearful, God is my peace.

Remember when Peter had walked on water without hesitation in pure delight to see His Savior. And then just as if someone had distracted Him from His hearts desire, Peter rapidly began to sink. In a glimpse we can have complete focus and trust and be all in love with the Lord and then we can have our eyes so wrapped up in the temperature of the water, the distance between you and the prize, the thoughts of what others think of you, the enemy yelling that you can't make it or the simple fear of rejection. All the while Jesus is in your midst, He is mighty to save you, ready to catch you, there to whisper sweet peace and comfort and the best,  He is interceding on your behalf. Because He loves you and loves me,  this choice of saying yes to Jesus should be the easiest to say.

"But immediatly Jesus spoke to them, saying, "Take heart; It is I. Do not be afraid." And Peter answered him, "Lord, if it is you,  command me to come to you on the water." He said, "Come." So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus"
Matthew 14:27-29

I want to be the Peter that gets out of the boat and has his eyes on Jesus not the Peter that starts to sink.

If you are having any hesitation of saying yes to Jesus and all that He has for you, then I would really take a moment and reflect on everything that is holding you back. Is it fear, pride, pain, the unknown? Are all these things from the Lord? NO. He does not give us a spirit of fear but a Spirit of love, POWER and a sound mind. He says that pride comes before fall.

But if we take that one little step that is right in front of us and have the sure promise that God is with us and we are told that He is faithful to COMPLETE and good work in us than lets take that leap. Let's jump in, hold tightly and enjoy the adventures that await.

This post is long over due. The beginning of the year I wrote about wanting more of Jesus. He is the end prize and I am so excited to ASK for big things, to grow in big ways and to see His plans unfold. The Lord has grown me already in these past six months, more than I could have imagined. Dreams are coming true and the time is now for my gifts to be used. Like singing. I have always always always loved to sing. Ever since I was a little one, I've loved music and singing. But this little bushel that I mentioned was the perfect place to hide that gift. Until this year. And man oh man is God doing a work in me.  I'm now on rotation for worship at my church, finishing up my first ever teaching thru a book of the bible, moving up in my job and stunned at the fact that He wants me. Seriously expanding my love for Him and the fact that I have no idea whats next!

We should be singing and praising and asking the LORD, Whats next? What other amazing things do you desire to do in my life? What ways can I get to see you more clearly?!

This day is the day we take a step and follow Jesus, don't look back to yesterday and dwell on how bad that Monday was....get up and walk boldly. Lately my prayer has been "Jesus would you give me wholly boldness and meet me right where I'm at." And He does. If He wants you to get that job, move to that place, expand your trust in Him, grow in your gifts, than He will meet you, equip you and be right beside you, cheering you on.

so just say yes and watch Him meet you on that shore.

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