
I'm easily entertained...I could sit at a coffee shop or sit in the middle of the mall and watch people for hours. I love to observe people's behavior. And it's easy to get lost in being the one who looks at others,rather than being the one others are looking at. A few things I notice are the way people communicate with one another and how they dress. We all want to be valued, to be found of worth. But even more than that, to feel wanted. I serve at my church in the high school ministry and I love to set up and tear down...I like serving because it gives me a sense of value. The room needs to be cleaned...therefore I am needed.
Not only in general do we all seek to be valued and found worthy among our peers and family but also by Jesus. I know that any value that I'm looking for besides Jesus will ultimately leave me empty.
I know that we as followers of Christ need to take hold of the position that He has given us... That we are a prized possession. It breaks my heart to see some of my high school girls seek such attention when really they are just lowering their worth.
I struggle with finding myself valuable and worth anything sometimes... But I do know that God loves me and His word is good and true. His Word is what I need to hold onto and seek after. Nothing else matters.
I exhort you to seek out Jesus. He has already proven how valuable you are by taking on your sins and taking them to the cross. Do we not have VICTORY to stand on higher ground- to accept His sacrifice and unfailing love?! YES we do.


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